Monday, January 16, 2006

A bit of...

Bueno esto ya tiene un año y un poco mas en mi penadero portatil jajaja, nada mas que en el no escribo siempre... solo lo uso cuando no kiero perder algo importante... Creo que muchos me encontraran la razon...

Life can be so F*****g stupid... when u think that u have everything to be happy, or u think that u couldn't be happier, life looks at u and says "HAHAHA GOT YA"... nothing in this life wants to see a person happy... either a pregnant lady had a kid and got sick or the father lived her alone with the child...
someone got married... the guy’s a shiter...
You have a girlfriend. You are so f*****g happy with her and some day... you are alone again and why? because "she's not ready."
Don't let me start with jobs... u have a job one day (such a very good job) and some day you're fired... too much stuff... AND TO FIND ANOTHER JOB hahaha... that's when life laughs at you again. Either you have too much experience or you don't have enough experience for it. I WANT TO LAUGH AT LIFE JUST ONCE please!... it's too much...
Life is like food: the smelly one, you hate the smell... but you want'a# eat it any way.
What else...
Homeless asking 4 money... people have heart. Sometimes u give them money, and u realize that it was a lie... and u just close your heart.
Terrorism, liars, thieves, rapests, murderers, child molesters... life's a pile of scum... and among all these, can we find something nice?...

That's material for another subject...


Narkito said...

Someone once said to me that happiness isn't a constant wave in life, it's more like peaks of it.

He said it was a big journy through mountains. We have valleys, we have tops and the in beetween; happiness is all the peaks put together as a "whole", a united front of little pieces that suddenly, while looking back, became this big fat concept called happiness, but if we stay too much time on the top, happiness becomes weary and tired, we have, we MUST come down again so we can continue our journey, we need to come back down to the valleys and start over from a point where every road you take goes up.


Cariños Carito =)

Minerva McGonagall said...

That's true my dear friend...
You are a very wise woman...
Lots of kisses for you.

Narkito said...

Me? Wise? Geez, that made me feel old =)

Minerva McGonagall said...

You are not old my dear U know that.
Kisses 4 U

... and you are wise!